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Accessories of Joy

Accessories of Joy spinning-wheel

Optional Accessories
Freedom Flyer Joy

Freedom Flyer Joy [SHFJFK]

This fantastic new flyer gives you the freedom to spin your wild carder batts into fabulous, fun and funky art yarns on your Joy spinning wheel.
With the enormous 25mm orifice and hooks you can spin and ply fibres, feathers, fabric, ribbons, cocoons and more.
The open hooks make threading super fast and easy.
The kit includes one jumbo bobbin and
will fit all existing Joy spinning wheels.

Additional bobbins available separately.
Prices include tax
SHFJFK Sliding Hook Flyer Joy Freedom KitSHFJFK2 786,- CZK
SHFJFK original price3 009,- CZK
JBL Jumbo Bobbin LacquerJBL519,- CZK
Prices include tax
SHFJFKSliding Hook Flyer Joy Freedom Kit2 786,- CZK
SHFJFKoriginal price3 009,- CZK
JBLJumbo Bobbin Lacquer519,- CZK

© DALIN Praha s.r.o., tel.: 603 538 752, +420 274 860 304
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