Tel. 00420 603 538 752


on Monday 10.2. and Tuesday 11.2.2025 we will have the store CLOSED. We are taking orders.
on spinning wheels, drum carders, looms and free shipping of this products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Our address is

Bořivojova 73
Praha 3 - Žižkov

Map:  Najdete nás na

Store address:

Bořivojova 73
Praha 3 - Žižkov

Map:  Najdete nás na
Opening hours
Mon14.00 - 18.00
Tue14.00 - 18.00

How to get to us

The nearest tram number 5, 9, 15, 26 is Lipanska. Go by Lipanská street a bit up the hill and you are in Bořivojova street. By this you turn right and you will find our store on the corner of the intersection with the street Vita Nejedleho.
By car from Winston Churchill Square (University, House of Trade Unions) to the hill by U rajske zahrady Street, pass Siwiecova Street that leads back down the hill, then no entry into the Vlkova Street and other one-way left turn is already in the clearance Bořivojova direction. If you go away from Malesice, turn left on Seifert Street before the House of Unions in the street Siwiecova.
GPS Loc: 50°4'59.181"N, 14°26'57.933"E

© DALIN Praha s.r.o., tel.: 603 538 752, +420 274 860 304
post address: Rezlerova 281, 10900 Praha 10      shop: Borivojova 73, Praha 3
Entrances: 11038525     e-mail:      webdesign:
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