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Weaving accessories

Bobbin shuttles [BSHTL]

Bobbin shuttle Bobbin shuttle Bobbin shuttle XL Shuttle Bobbins
Prices include tax
BSHTL Bobbin Shuttle 29 cmBSHTL1 296,- CZK
BSHTL35 Bobbin Shuttle 35cmBSHTL351 343,- CZK
BSHTLXL Bobbin Shuttle 38 cmBSHTLXL1 368,- CZK
BSB10 Nylon Shuttle Bobbins 100mm 10 pcsBSB10339,- CZK
BSBXL10 Nylon Shuttle Bobbins 150mm 10 pcsBSBXL10565,- CZK
PBBS Paper Shuttle Bobbins 10 pcsPBBS307,- CZK

Bobbin Shuttle Wooden Winder [BSBWW]

Bobbin Shuttle Wooden Winder

Bobbin Shuttle Wooden Winder [BSBWW]

Prices include tax
BSBWW Bobbin Shuttle Wooden WinderBSBWW2 919,- CZK

Bobbin Shuttle Metal Winder [BSBW]

Bobbin Shuttle Metal Winder

Bobbin Shuttle Metal Winder [BSBW]

Prices include tax
BSBW Bobbin Shuttle Metal WinderBSBW5 433,- CZK

Small Warping Frame [WF4]

Small Warping Frame [WF4]

Small Warping Frame
Dismountable frame for the 4.5m warp.

Prices include tax
WF4 Small Warping FrameWF42 972,- CZK

Fringe Twister [FT4]

Fringe Twister

Fringe Twister [FT4]

Prices include tax
FT4 Fringe TwisterFT41 212,- CZK

Raddle Kit [RK]

Raddle Kit [RK]

Raddle Kit
For quick, easy and fuss free warping of table loom.
Available for all Ashford table looms
        30 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm a 80 cm
Kit includes:
Raddle with steel pins spaces 12.5 mm (1/2 in) apart
2 steel rings
stretchy helping hands
20 cardboard warpsticks
Learn to weave on the Table loom booklet

Prices include tax
RK3 Raddle Kit 30 cmRK31 401,- CZK
RK4 Raddle Kit 40 cmRK41 537,- CZK
RK6 Raddle Kit 60 cmRK61 790,- CZK
RK8 Raddle Kit 80 cmRK82 016,- CZK

Stick shuttles [SHTL]

Stick shuttles
Available stick shuttles are 15, 26, 36, 46, 56 and 80 cm long (SHTL1, SHTL2, SHTL3, SHTL4, SHTL5, SHTL8).

Prices include tax
SHTL1 Stick Shuttle 15 cm (6 inch)SHTL176,- CZK
SHTL2 Stick Shuttle 26 cm (10 inch)SHTL288,- CZK
SHTL3 Stick Shuttle 36 cm (14 inch)SHTL3112,- CZK
SHTL4 Stick Shuttle 46 cm (18 inch)SHTL4134,- CZK
SHTL5 Stick Shuttle 56 cm (22 inch)SHTL5144,- CZK
SHTL8 Stick Shuttle 76 cm (32 inch)SHTL8168,- CZK

Wave stick shuttles

Wave stick shuttles
Available lengths 40, 50 and 70 cm [SHTL4W, SHTL5W, SHTL7W].

Wave stick shuttles Wave stick shuttles
Prices include tax
SHTL4W Wavy Stick Shuttle 40 cm (16 inch)SHTL4W537,- CZK
SHTL5W Wavy Stick Shuttle 50 cm (20 inch)SHTL5W581,- CZK
SHTL7W Wavy Stick Shuttle 70 cm (28 inch)SHTL7W666,- CZK

Hobby Bench [HB2]

Hobby Bench
The perfect companion for all your looms.
• Comfortable - with your choice of 7 height positions from 545 mm to 625 mm (21 ½” to 24 ½”)
• Seat can be tilted 12mm (½”) to suit your weaving position
• Strong and robust made from beautiful silver beech hardwood with a lacquered finish
• Handy storage shelf under the seat
• Seat 680mm long x 270mm wide (26 ¾” x 10 5/8”)
• Weight 7.9 kg (17.5lb)

Prices include tax
HB2 Hobby Bench LacquerHB210 081,- CZK

Reed and heddle hook [RHKP]

Reed and heddle hook
Strong and flexible acetal nylon threading hook for threading your rigid heddle or table loom.

Prices include tax
RHKP Reed and heddle hookRHKP70,- CZK

Pickup sticks [PUS]

Pickup sticks Pickup sticks
They are needed for weaving bridge patterns or for weaving double fabric on rigid heddle looms (RH) or folding (knitters) looms (KL).

Prices include tax
PUS277 Pickup stick 277 mmPUS277177,- CZK
PUS367 Pickup stick 367 mmPUS367185,- CZK
PUS415 Pickup stick 415 mmPUS415191,- CZK
PUS440 Pickup stick 440 mmPUS440191,- CZK
PUS567 Pickup stick 567 mmPUS567197,- CZK
PUS640 Pickup stick 640 mmPUS640205,- CZK
PUS767 Pickup stick 767 mmPUS767215,- CZK
PUS840 Pickup stick 840 mmPUS840225,- CZK
Lever on the handle

Lever on the handle [HH65, HH85]

This tool allows you to do what you don't have to do effortlessly. Too tight the warp. If you have a badly wound warp and you have some threads sagging, you can seemingly correct this mistake with this handle by tightening the whole warp with great force. However, this will make the weaving itself very difficult, as well as the older type of loom with a smaller cylinder pin diameter and a warp with many threads, you are well on your way to damaging the handle attachment mechanism to the cylinder.
It is a tool for the handicapped who have trouble turning a reasonably large wheel with just one hand. To sum up, it's something you most likely don't need.
There are two sizes available, a smaller lever HH65 for Kate, SampleIt and folding looms KL. The larger lever HH85 is for RH and table looms.

Prices include tax
HH65 Lever on the handleHH65736,- CZK
HH85 Lever on the handleHH85736,- CZK
Prices include tax
BSHTLBobbin Shuttle 29 cm1 296,- CZK
BSHTL35Bobbin Shuttle 35cm1 343,- CZK
BSHTLXLBobbin Shuttle 38 cm1 368,- CZK
BSB10Nylon Shuttle Bobbins 100mm 10 pcs339,- CZK
BSBXL10Nylon Shuttle Bobbins 150mm 10 pcs565,- CZK
PBBSPaper Shuttle Bobbins 10 pcs307,- CZK
BSBWWBobbin Shuttle Wooden Winder2 919,- CZK
BSBWBobbin Shuttle Metal Winder5 433,- CZK
WF4Small Warping Frame2 972,- CZK
FT4Fringe Twister1 212,- CZK
RK3Raddle Kit 30 cm1 401,- CZK
RK4Raddle Kit 40 cm1 537,- CZK
RK6Raddle Kit 60 cm1 790,- CZK
RK8Raddle Kit 80 cm2 016,- CZK
SHTL1Stick Shuttle 15 cm (6 inch)76,- CZK
SHTL2Stick Shuttle 26 cm (10 inch)88,- CZK
SHTL3Stick Shuttle 36 cm (14 inch)112,- CZK
SHTL4Stick Shuttle 46 cm (18 inch)134,- CZK
SHTL5Stick Shuttle 56 cm (22 inch)144,- CZK
SHTL8Stick Shuttle 76 cm (32 inch)168,- CZK
SHTL4WWavy Stick Shuttle 40 cm (16 inch)537,- CZK
SHTL5WWavy Stick Shuttle 50 cm (20 inch)581,- CZK
SHTL7WWavy Stick Shuttle 70 cm (28 inch)666,- CZK
HB2Hobby Bench Lacquer10 081,- CZK
RHKPReed and heddle hook70,- CZK
PUS277Pickup stick 277 mm177,- CZK
PUS367Pickup stick 367 mm185,- CZK
PUS415Pickup stick 415 mm191,- CZK
PUS440Pickup stick 440 mm191,- CZK
PUS567Pickup stick 567 mm197,- CZK
PUS640Pickup stick 640 mm205,- CZK
PUS767Pickup stick 767 mm215,- CZK
PUS840Pickup stick 840 mm225,- CZK
HH65Lever on the handle736,- CZK
HH85Lever on the handle736,- CZK

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