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About Silver Beech ...

Loggers carefully select Silver Beech (Nothofagus Menziesii) trees from the forests of Southland New Zealand for Ashford's world-famous spinning wheels and weaving looms. Only a limited number of first-grade trees are felled to ensure the sustainability and preservation of the forest. Ashfords actively support the conservation and protection of indigenous timbers.
A quality hardwood, anatomically similar to Maple, Birch and European Beech, Silver Beech has a fine and even texture giving even wearing, good machining and wonderful finishing qualities. The sap wood is silver white and the heart wood is a warm rose colour and both are strong and dense.
Trucked green sawn to the Ashford factory the timber is carefully seasoned by air drying for over 12 months and then kiln dried to an optimum moisture content of 10-12 per cent. At this level the timber is stable and ready for crafting into an Ashford spinning wheel or weaving loom for use in any country in the world.
("the WHEEL - Ashford's Fibercraft Magazine No.9 1996")

Added 14th Feb. 2003

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